Aggie Radio
Album reviews, band interviews, concert reviews, Lydia has written a little bit of everything for Aggie Radio since her freshman year. Her involvement, as well as her two years spent as the station’s Music Director, allowed her many writing opportunities.
Melted Magazine
Al Smith, Melted’s Editor-in-chief, and Lydia met via Instagram when they were 16. That summer they met was when Al started Melted and Lydia became one of the magazine’s first staff writers. From its early days as a ROOKIE-inspired, blog-style website to its move to only music-related content, Lydia was there, taking assignments and writing pieces.
ISA Student Blog
Hoping to enhance her study abroad experience, Lydia applied and was selected to be a featured student blogger for ISA (International Study Abroad) during the summer of 2019. During her three weeks in London, Lydia wrote two pieces for the travel blog, sharing her experiences and giving advice to other students wanting to study in London.
The Utah Statesman
As a result of being involved with Aggie Radio, Lydia has connections with The Statesman, the student-run newspaper at her university. During her early college days, when she was still majoring in journalism, Lydia wrote a handful of pieces for The Statesman that were both published in print as well as on their website.